Friday, January 16, 2009

From Kennedy to Obama, and what we can do to help

Ever since I finished reading Jim Douglass' book JFK and the Unspeakable, I've been longing to spend time telling you why this is the single best book on the assassination ever. But I fear I may never have the time it would take to do the book justice. You'll just have to read it for yourself.

Meanwhile - here's a short article that just came out, and an interview with Douglass, that will hopefully inspire you to go read this book, if you haven't already. There are hundreds of books on the assassination. My shelf of the 'best books' is very small. But this one is the single best one, encompassing the best evidence of who Kennedy was, why he was killed, and by whom.

In this article, the author explains why we need to be understand what happened to Kennedy so we can help protect Obama so he does not suffer the same fate. He will undoubtedly suffer the same tests. I hope you'll read this and watch the interview. But ultimately, you are not fully armed for the battles to come until you have read Douglass' book. Please make the effort. It will be well worth your time.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree with you about James Douglass' book. Your readers might be interested to know that they can listen to an extended series of interviews with Mr Douglass on Black Op radio. Just google balck op radio and go to the archives. Apart from the series of interviews on the book there was a follow uip interview very recently.

4:19 PM  

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