Preview of the cover of my new book, A Lie Too Big to Fail!
As many of you know, I've been researching the assassinations of the 1960s for more than 25 years now. I've had a particular interest in the assassination of Robert Kennedy. I started and stopped this book a couple of times over the last ten years, but got really serious about writing it over the last three and a half. Here is a preview of the cover. Jim DiEugenio was kind enough to write a wonderful introduction as well.
I can't wait to talk about what's in the book. But I'm sitting on mega secrets for now. Can't wait to knock your socks off though! The book will be out in September and should show up in and other outlets in April.

I can't wait to talk about what's in the book. But I'm sitting on mega secrets for now. Can't wait to knock your socks off though! The book will be out in September and should show up in and other outlets in April.

Congratulations on this tremendous achievement, Lisa Pease! I'm very eager to read the book, though I know it will stir up sorrow and anger. You're a national treasure.
Thank you for your work Lisa and good luck with your book. RIP Bobby .
I'm really looking forward to this book. You might not be able to reveal this yet, but is it going to delve further into William Joseph Bryan, the probable hypno-programmer of Sirhan? Last year, I read Dave McGowan's book _Programmed to Kill_, which covers (among other things) how Albert DeSalvo was likely framed for the Boston Strangler murders with the help of Dr. Bryan to feed him the "confessions". You also brought this up briefly in your Rubik's Cube article. And of course, Sirhan oddly made reference to DeSalvo. That connection between the RFK case and the world of serial killers always fascinated me.
I've wondered about the connection between that Southern Calif. preacher (was it McIntire?) who's secretary was the brother of Arthur Bremmer, accused attempted assassin of George Wallace. Was it just coincidence?
Thank you so much, Jamey. Very kind. Thanks, FB and George K as well. George - in short, yes. ;-) I have some new information that should be of interest and more depth on some of the info already out there. But there is so much more to the story!!
I’m just beginning reading your new book but I begin as a long time reader of 1960’s Assassination books. I simply can’t thank you enough for your efforts, over time, and I personally congratulate you for joining the small but passionate group of grand researchers who have sacrificed so much to arrive at the truth. You are indeed heroic...
I’m looking forward to a discussion soon...
Dewayne A Wolfer was the instructor of a criminalistics class I took while completing requirements for a BS in Criminal Justice at Cal State University in 1973-1974.
During the course of the semester, Wolfer was questioned by a student about his role in the RFK investigation, and the "two gun theory".
His reaction was interesting. He stated that the evidence presented to the Grand Jury and during the trial phase did not support the existence of a second gun, but if he was being asked for his opinion, a second gun could have been involved.
This was a few years after he retired from LAPD, so his pension wasn't at risk.
There was no doubt that Sirhan was involved, but doubt exists if he acted alone.
The bigger question was who had the power and authority to shut down the investigation and manipulate the evidence.
There you will find the sponsor.
Personally, I don't want to know.
Remember it well! Rosevelt Grier, on his television show that weekend, tried to sing Spanish Harlem. But was so overcome with grief, he walked off the stage mid-song. Some were speculation whether RFK would survive the shooting 'as a vegetable' or not. Dan Smoot, in his report, did a rather thought-provoking analysis of the 1968 race called We Do Have A Choice and his main focus was RFK and Gov. Wallace. Regarding the assassination directly, one of my relatives was a cab driver. He got two fares that night. The man insisted that he not turn on the radio. Drove them to a private or remote field where they boarded a plane. The woman, he said wore a red Poca dot dress. The man was so pleased that when he offered to pay, he went into the case in the trunk and it was loaded with money! Only after they took off and he listened to the radio did he hear about the assassination. RFK was a bright light! Authentic and the wound is still unhealed, in my opinion.
I have been following the JFK case since about 1980.
I have a lot more JFK books then I do RFK books. I have maybe six or seven RFK books.
I bought your book thru Amazon Kindle and am reading it now. Have previously read books by
Robert Houghton, Bill Turner and Jon Christian, Shane O'Sullivan, and maybe three others.
You have a very good understanding of the case and the evidence and its shortcomings. I am
very impressed. I am only about 40% of the way thru the book, and can hardly tear myself
away from it. I have a theory about who the girl in the Polka Dot dress was, but will save it for another time. Maybe I will find who she was in your book?"
Dale H.
Lisa, The organization known as the Innocence Project has had much success over the years in freeing persons who have wrongfully been convicted of crimes they didn't commit. Your book has considerable evidence showing that Sirhan Sirhan was not the assassin of RFK. While many JFK/RFK researchers are ignored as "conspiracy theorists", the Innocence Project is well regarded as a reputable public interest organization. Perhaps the Innocence Project of California would be interested in pursuing Sirhan Sirhan's case? I suggest it would be worth contacting them to explore this possibility. If they would be willing to get involved, they could be a great ally.
Best wishes,
Dennis Bartholomew
Hello Lisa,
Thank you so much for all the work you did in putting together such a powerful book as this on the RFK Assassination. I am in the UK but became interested in this case back on the 21st anniversary, in 1989 (I was just 19), following a TV interview with Sirhan in prison. From that, I ended up working intensively on it during my university years and even received funding to go to the USA on a research trip in the summer of 1990.
I made plans ahead of time and started in Boston at the Kennedy Library before going on to see Phil Melanson at what was still called Southeastern Massachusetts University back then. He opened up his archive to me for a couple of days at the library there and over time, after a brief stop in Washington DC and a drop-in on Jim Lesar at the Assassination Archives and Research Center, I made my way to Los Angeles and spent three fascinating days in conversation with Greg Stone, the former assistant to Al Lowenstein. Those days at Stone's home were fantastic for me as he went right through the case with me and answered all my questions. Following our chats, I decided to follow his advice and focus some of my attention on the Sandra Serrano polygraph with Hernandez. Several days later, I was in Sacramento at the California State Archives and obtained the microfilm of the summary report and several audiotapes, including Serrano's polygraph.
In the following months, I did a lot of research and listened to that terrible polygraph recording time and time again and made preparations for another trip in 1991. Then, in perhaps early March that year, I was watching a TV documentary and saw Dan Moldea (I only knew him then for his excellent Regardie's magazine article in 1987 on the RFK shooting) talk about what had happened to Greg Stone a few weeks earlier. Finding out the news from a TV show was a terrible shock and it was difficult to take in at the time. Nevertheless, I went back to the USA in 1991 and went back to the University in Massachusetts for another couple of days. The highlight of the trip was when I was walking around the exterior of the Ambassador Hotel and a friendly security guard saw me and took pity on the English kid who had come a long way to see the place, and let me inside! Apparently, it was being mostly used for TV and movie location shoots at the time but nothing was happening on that day so he let me wander around quite freely and I was able to see the Embassy Room and take the walk to the pantry and see the scene of the crime as well as generally walk around the entire hotel.
However, I realised a couple of things on that trip. The first was that Greg Stone's death had knocked some of the stuffing out of me and I also became aware that I was becoming more interested in Bobby Kennedy the person and was starting to research his life far more than his death. My own active RFK assassination research stopped sometime around 1992 and since then I have just been a person who reads other people's works.
I lived in Japan for many years and was proud to deliver lectures and seminars on RFK's life and death at Waseda University, including from the same stage RFK stood on when he visited in 1962.
Anyway, although I did read Melanson's Shadow Play around 20 years ago, I generally stopped reading RFK assassination material after the let-down that was Dan Moldea's book, which I guess I read in about 1994. I hated his "lazy" ending and always wondered how he could just turn overnight. Following your comments on him in your book, I feel you may indeed be right as little else makes sense!
Thank you for reawakening my interest and for writing the book the case always needed. You should be very proud of yourself for your years of effort in getting the truth out there.
Best wishes,
Andrew Clark.
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