MoveOn.org is asking for nominations for Congresspeople who are deserving of a MoveOn endorsement. I can think of no one more deserving than Congressman Rush Holt. He was the first to stand up and create a bill that protects the most important right people in this country have - the right to vote. Electronic voting presents an unprecedented opportunity for a few people to rig a nationwide vote. Please click the image at right to download
America's Vote At Risk to understand why Rush Holt's bill is so very important. Then go to
MoveOn's nomination page and suggest that MoveOn members support Rush Holt. Please also visit
Rush Holt's campaign site and
Holt's Count Every Vote site to learn more about this Congressman and what is at stake.
If we get this wrong, we may be permanently giving away the option to ever get this right. Please do all you can to spread the word about the dangers of electronic voting and the need for effective checks and balances to ensure the machines count every vote the way the voter intended. Thank you for your activism.
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